Personal Pronoun with detail || Nominative, Possessive and objective case || First peraon second person and third person examples
Personal Pronoun:- personal Pronouns are pronouns that that refers
to a specific person or things in a sentence.
Examples: I, we, you, He, She, it, they.
It is divided into two groups nominative and objective.
Nominative personal pronoun act as a subject of a sentence (I, we, you, he, she, it, they).
Examples: I go to school.
We are brothers.
Nominative case is used as a subject. When noun or pronoun used as a subject of a verb is called Nominative case.
Ahmed is a good teacher (Here Ahmed is nominative case of noun).
He is a good teacher (Here He is a nominative case of pronoun).
Possessive Pronoun: Possessive pronouns are pronouns that show the
ownership or something belongs to someone else.
(My/mine, your,/yours, his, her/hers, it’s, our/ours , their/theirs).
Note 1: In Possessive case most of the personal Pronouns have
two forms. Of these the forms (my, our, your, her, their) are
called Possessive adjectives (Or Pronominal Adjective) because
they are used with noun and they do work of Adjective.
Note 2 :
This is my book (Possessive Adjective or Pronominal Adjective).
This book is mine.(Possessive Pronoun)
This is his book (Possessive Adjective).
This book is his (Possessive Pronoun).
This is your book. (P.A)
This book is yours (P.P)
Objective personal pronoun acts as an object of a sentence (Me, us,
you, him, her, it, and them).
1) Ahmed and Nawaz came out with me.
2) You are all responsible for them.
There are different forms of personal Pronouns:
First person: It is used as Singular or Plural (I is singular and we is plural).
Nominative: I and We
Possessive case of First person: My, Mine Our, ours
Accusative case: Me Us
Second Person It will be Singular/ Plural. "You" is a second person.
Nominative You
Possessive Your, Yours
Accusative You
Third Person
Masculine Feminine Neuter
Nominative He She They
Possessive His Her, hers Their, theirs
Accusative Him Her Them
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Agha Haseebullah Khan |
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