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Definition of Listening | Jean Piaget Theory on Listening || Listening Skills

Department: Teacher Education (B.ED HONS) University

Shaikh Ayaz Shikarpur.

 What is listening?

• Listening is a process to receive a message through voice.

• It is a process to get the ideas from other person.

• It is a process to hear the voice of other peoples.

• It is a part of communication in which one person share the ideas and other one receives through listening.

• It is process to receive an information.

• If listening is not clear we can not receive the messages of others.

• It helps us at every level of life.

• It is part of every living organisms in the world.

• In the classroom it helps in teaching and learning, in which teacher share the ideas and information and receive the response of students by the help of listening.

• It has mainly three skills, informational listening, critical listening and therapeutic listening.

 Listening theory:

• On the listening the theory “Schema" was given by Jean Piaget .

• Organize knowledge and store in the memory.

• He define two parts in schema one is category of knowledge and other is acquire the knowledge.

• He define the cognitive from birth to adulthood.

• He gave the four stages of schema, sensorimotor, pre operational, Concrete operational, and formal operational.

• He defined learning process which the child’s learn from their birth through listening and facial expressions. Listening play very effective role in learning from birth to death. This process helps to improve their knowledge, information and ideas. When child first time see a new things they receive a new data and they think about them what is that, how it works, is it good or not. They mainly focus on facial expressions and voice which they see and hear from their family members and environment.

 Classroom listening:

• Classroom listening is a process in which the teachers and students listen to each other. It helps to listen the students and understand their ideas and also students listen the teachers and follow their rules or commands. Listening process helps to know each other and understand the ideas of each other.

 Listening Skills :

• There are three main listening skills.

• Informational Listening

• Critical listening.

• Therapeutic listening.

 Informational listening:

• Informational listening is a listening in which you learn something new or receive a new data or information.

• It helps to improve your memory, concentration and vocabulary.

 Critical listening:

• It is used to think about what you get or what you listening.

• It is a process to use for evaluation.

• It is used for understanding.

• It is used for analysis.

• It helps in judgement before believe on any idea.

 Therapeutic or Emphatic Listening:

• It is used to understand feelings and emotions of speakers.

• It is used when one person tell his/her sad story or event to other one and other person understand his/her emotions , feelings and sadness.

• It is also used for counselling. Counselling is a process to solve the emotional problems of clients.

• Counselling process is related to psychology to understand other one and solve his/her problems.
