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Future Tense


 Future Tense

Future Tense is used to take the decision at a moment.

It is used for prediction.

It is used for restricted conditions or expected situations for the future.

Used “shall” with “I & We”.

Used “will” with “you, he, she, it, and they".

Formation: Sub + Shall/Will + 1st form of Verb + Obj


Assertive: I shall go to Karachi.

Interrogative: Shall I go to Karachi?

Negative: I shall not go to Karachi.

Interrogative and Negative: Shall I not go to Karachi?

Exercise: Make their Interrogative, negative and interrogative negative sentences.

I shall eat mangoes in summer.

We shall eat mangoes in summer.

You will eat mangoes in summer.

He will eat mangoes in summer.

 She will eat mangoes in summer

 It will eat mangoes in summer.

They will eat mangoes in summer.

Ahmed and Farah will eat mangoes in summer.
