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Eleven types of noun with definition and examples

 There are eleven types of noun


Noun is the name of person, place, animal or things.

 Noun is the naming word.

 The name of any thing which exists in this world is noun (Physically or spiritually).

Examples: Ahmed, Karachi, Table and Donkey

ڪنهن ب شئي ، جڳا، ماڻهو يا جانور جي نالي کي اسم چئبو آهي

مثال: احمد، ڪراچ ، ميز، ۽ گڏه وغيره۔

 Noun اسم

The Noun:

 Noun is the name of person, place, animal or things.

 Noun is a naming word.

 The name of any thing which is present in this world is noun.

 * ڪنهن ب ئ ، جڳا، ماڻهو يا جانور ج نا ک اسم چئ و آهي

مثال: احمد، ڪراچ ، ميز، ۽ گڏه وغيره۔

دنيا ۾ موجود هر ئ ج نا ک اسم چئبو آهي۔

Kinds of Noun.

There are five main types of nouns but they further divided into

groups. There are eleven types of noun. They are given below:

Common Noun.

Proper Noun.

Collective Noun.

Material Noun or Concrete Noun.

Abstract Noun.

Countable Noun.

Uncountable Noun.

Regular Noun.

Irregular Noun

Possessive Noun

Predicate Noun.

Countable Noun.

Uncountable Noun.

Regular Noun.

Irregular Noun

Possessive Noun

Predicate Noun.

1.The Proper Noun: خاص اسم

Proper noun is name of some particular person place or things. It

always followed by capital letter,either beginning of the sentences or

middle of the sentences.

Examples: The God, the Holy Quran, The Muhammad Ali Jinnah, The

Lahore, The Jawad, The Lion etcetera.

ii) The Common Noun : عام اسم

It is the name of every common person, place, animal or things.


Man, City, Book, Men, Cities, Books.

 Man is common noun.

 Jawad is proper noun.

 City is common noun.

 Karachi is proper noun.

 Animal is common noun.

 Lion is capital noun

 It begins with the capital letter when it is placed at the very

beginning of a sentence or a line of poetry.

 Cows give milk.

 Birds fly in the air.

 Water, water, everywhere and not a drop to drink.

iii)The Collective Noun: جمع اس

It denotes a group of persons or things.

Examples: Army, committee, crowd, flock, class, team etc.

 As a “subject “it generally takes a singular verb.

 The jury consists of twelve persons.

 But when it denotes the individual members of the group, it takes a

plural verb.

 The jury were divided in their opinion.

 It begins with a capital letter only when it is placed at the very

beginning of the sentence.

 Pakistan Army is the best army (Taken Singular).

 There are many armies in this world (Taken plural).

iV) The Material Noun or Concrete Noun:

اسم جنس

 It is name of matter or substance of which anything is made.

 A noun from which the other things are formed is called material


Examples: Gold, silver, iron, steel, cotton milk, rice.

 It begins with a capital letter only when it placed at the very

beginning of the sentence.

(v) The Abstract Noun: ذات اسم

 It is the name of some quality, state or action.

Quality: honesty, truth, bravery, kindness, wisdom.

State: childhood, death, sickness, slavery, health.

Action: laughter, judgement, theft, hatred.

 It begins with a capital letter only when it placed at the very

beginning of a sentence.

(vi) Countable Noun:

 The things which can we count is called countable nouns.

Examples: Car, Boy, girl, lion etc.

(Vii)Uncountable Noun:

 The things which can we can not count is called uncountable


 Examples: Rice, hair, milk, flour, salt, sugar, meat, honey, tea,

cheese are uncountable nouns.

(Viii)Regular Noun: The noun whose plural form is formed by adding

“s” and “es” is called regular noun.

(ix)Irregular Noun: The noun whose plural form is form by changing

their form is called irregular.

Examples: Men, women, mice, children, geese etc.

(x)Possessive Noun: When we use the apostrophe (‘

) with nouns are called possessive noun.

اهيا نشاني ’ حقيقت ۾ پزيزو نائون جواسم ڪو قسم نه آهي پر جڏهن اسم سان Apostrophe

استعمال ٿيندي آهي ته ان اسم جي ملڪيت ظاهر ڪندي آهي.

ايپوسٽروڦي کي سنڌي ۾ عالمت حذف يا اضافت چئبو آهي.

Examples: Ahmed’s car (گاڏي جي احمد ,(farhan’s cap, Sofia’s purse.

(Xi) Predicate Noun: The name or noun which denotes the status of

about other noun is called predicate.

Examples: He is the father of Abdullah.

He is the principal of school.


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