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Definition of Conjunction and examples


Ø Conjunction: حرف جملو ، ڳنڍ، جوڙ                        

   Conjunction is a word which connects or joins the words, phrase, sentences or clauses.

 It is a word which defines two or more events.

   They can join two verbs, two nouns, two adjectives, two phrases, or two independent clauses.

  Examples: but, yet, because, although, unless, while, where.

·   I want to meet her but she had gone.

·      I had been reached when he left.


حرف جملو: حرف جملي جي معناي آهي ڳنڍيندڙ يا جدا ڪندڙ۔

جيڪو لفظ  ٻن لفظن، فقرن، يا جملن کي پاڻ ۾ ڳنڊي ان کي حرف جملو چئبو آهي۔

