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What is motion in two dimensions

 Definition of Motion intwo dimensions 

When a body covers a distance in projectile motion which is in both x-axis and y-axis is

called motion in two dimensions.

Types of Motion: There are many types of motion but we discuss about only three


Translator Motion or Linear Motion. In this motion body moves straight or curve path.

 Examples: The motion of a car on flat road.

 The motion of car in circular road.

 The motion of a ball hit by cricketers.

 Rotator Motion.

 Vibratory or Oscillatory Motion.

 Circular

 Projectile Motion :

 When a body covers a distance in both horizontal and vertical path is called projectile


 When a body moves in a curve path is called projectile motion.

 Path of projectile is known as trajectory motion.

 The projectile motion is simple to analyze if the following assumptions are made.

 The acceleration due to gravity is constant over rang of motion and is directed downward.

 The effect of air resistance is negligible.

The rotation of earth does not affect the motion. However the presence of gravity does

not affect the horizontal motion of the projectile.

Factors affecting the flight path of a projectile motion.

 Gravity affects the projectile and decreases the height. The greater weight of an object has

greater influence of gravity.

 Air Resistance. The projectile slow down the by the air resistance

 Speed of Release. Speed or velocity is directly related to distance.

 Angle of Release. Maximum range covered at 45 degree.

 Height of Release: More height increase more distance

 Spin.
