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Qualities of Good Test || BED teachers education


Qualities of Good Test.






Ø Introduction:

·       This topic will help us to know about the test, good test and qualities of good test. Test is a process to know about the students skills, ability,  quality,  knowledge, level, mentality, and literacy.


Ø Test Definition :

·       Test is a process or a tool to measure the ability,  quality and performance of students

·       It helps to know about that what students learn and what not.

·       It is a tool of teachers which used in the classroom.

·       It helps to know intelligence of students.

·       It helps to know about the memory of students.


Ø Qualities or Characteristics of  a Good Test:

·       Reliability.

·       Validity.

·       Objective.




Ø Reliability: ( اعتبار)

·       It is a process of stability.

·       It is process of consistency.

·       It is a way of dependability.

·       Reliable test is a test which can produces stable score or consistent scores.

·       A high Reliability test will contain no eror or the error is 0.

·       The obtained score will be the same as in previous score or with the true score.


Ø Approaches of Reliability:

·       The same test taken twice to the same group on the different occasions.

·       It will helps us to know about the change in quality.



Ø Validity: مضبوطي

·       The word valid is derived from Latin word validity means strong.

·       It is a process of checking to find out mistakes.

·       It is process of correction to make it right.

·       It is process of to measure the test to take a decision of score.

·       It is measurement tool.

·       This is process which tell is that how accurately measures something.



Ø Factors affecting the test:

·       Unclear direction of students to respond the test.

·       Lack of knowledge.

·       Lack of Interest.

·       Lack of grammatically rules.

·       Lack of memory.

·       Class was not Attended by students.



Ø Objectivity:

·       It is  an important characteristics of a Good test.

·       It affects both reliability and validity of test source.

·       Right or wrong answer.

·       Compare with the subjective test.

·       It includes multiple choice, true, false, short answers, essay, or solving problems.


Ø Conclusion: We learn about the test, qualities of a test and its approaches. Test is used not only in classroom but used everywhere but here we learnt the use of test in the classroom.

