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Present Continues Tense


Present Continues Tense   زمان حال استمراري

It is used to talk about that action which is continuing in the present time.

It is used to talk about happening now (Short term activities) & around now (long term activities)


Formation: Subject + is, am, are + verb +ing + object.

I am taking a class (short term activity)

I am studying in the school. (Since 2015 means long term activity)

Am I studying in the school? (Interrogative)

I am not studying in the school.( Negative)

Am I not studying in the school? (Interrogative & Negative)

Use “am” with "I".

Use “are" with “We, You & They".

Use “is" with “he, she, and it”.




Make interrogative and Negative sentences.

1)                        I am going to Karachi.

2)                        We are going to Karachi.

3)                        You are going to Karachi.

4)                        He is going to Karachi.

5)                        She is going to Karachi.

6)                        It is going to Karachi.

7)                        They are going to Karachi.

8)                        Ahmed and Farah are going to Karachi.

9)                        Nabeel is going to Karachi
