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Pakistan Affairs full book pdf 2022 for css , pcs, PMS and subject specialist Saeed Ahmed Butt

 Pakistan Affairs full book pdf 2022 for css , pcs, PMS and subject specialist  Author Saeed Ahmed Butt   Click👉      Download

Education System of india

  Education System of india Large country of asia continent  Total area 3.287 million km2 Population => 1.339 billion  Official language => English, Hindhi  Introduction of Indian Education system School timing 10 to 4 PM  Having public and private schools  Literacy rate 74.04 Total budget spend on education 99.100 crores  Expendture on education in (GDP) 4-6 Structure of Indian education system Pre-primary school (1-5 to 4 year old) Primary school (4 to 10 years old,fifth grade) Elemantry school 11 to 14 years old ( Eight class) Secondry school 14 to 16 years old (9th and 10th) Higher secondry school 16 to 18 years old (11.12) University education 4 years degree program Methods of teaching in India Lecture method  Demonstration method  Memorization method  Field trip method Challenges in Indian education system  Too much expensive education .  Involvement of political factors  Lack of moral values  Haterogenious education system  Traditional teaching methods  Lack of infrast

Definition of Conjunction and examples

  Ø Conjunction: حرف جملو ، ڳنڍ، جوڙ                              Conjunction is a word which connects or joins the words, phrase, sentences or clauses.   It is a word which defines two or more events.     They can join two verbs, two nouns, two adjectives, two phrases, or two independent clauses.    Examples: but, yet, because, although, unless, while, where. ·     I want to meet her but she had gone. ·        I had been reached when he left.   حرف جملو: حرف جملي جي معناي آهي ڳنڍيندڙ يا جدا ڪندڙ۔ جيڪو لفظ   ٻن لفظن، فقرن، يا جملن کي پاڻ ۾ ڳنڊي ان کي حرف جملو چئبو آهي۔  

Preposition with examples and corrections

     Preposition : حرف جر Preposition is a word which is used before noun or pronoun and shows their relation with other words. Examples : Above, at , before, across, against,   along, down, among,   from, around, in, into, near, behind, of, below, off, with, within, between. حرف جر جي معناي آهي ڀر وارو يا زير ڏيندڙ يا جملي کي جاري رکندڙ۔   حرف جر اهو لفظ آهي جيڪو اسم يا ضمير جي پٺيان اچي ۽ انجو لاڳاپو ٻئي جملي سان ڏيکاري ان کي حرف جر چئبو آهي۔   Ø Correct the following: He is blind from one eye.❌️ He is blind of one eye.✅️ This check is of the Habib bank.❌️ This check is on the Habib check.✅️     He swore from God.❌️     He swore by God.✅️      I said it upon his face.❌️      I said it to his face.✅️   He died from cholera.❌️   He died of cholera.✅️    He died from malaria.❌️    He died of malaria.✅️                                Correct the following and write the answers in comments     It was nine in my watch.  By his all faults, I love him.  He rises at the sunrise.  He beat

Definition of Adjective with examples

  Ø Adjective : صفت Adjective is a word which describes the noun or pronoun. It is also called describing word. صفت جي معناي آهي اسم جي تعريف يا ساراھ ڪرڻ۔ وياڪرڻ ۾ جيڪو اسم جي گڻ، اوگڻ، عيب، نيڪيون، انداز، وڏائي، ننڍائي ۽ ٻين شئين کي بيان ڪري ان کي صفت چئبو آهي۔ Examples: i)                   He is clever boy. ii)                 Nida is an intelligent girl. iii)               This is comfortable place. iv)                Sultan is a brave person. ·                   Three degrees of Adjective ·                   Positive.      صفت خالص ·                   Comparative. صفت تفصيل ·                   Superlative    صفت مبالگو     Positive Comparative Superlative Small Smaller Smallest Tall Taller Tallest Big Bigger Biggest Heavy Heavier Heaviest Good Better Best Ba

Definition of Verb

  Ø Verb:                                                                     فعل Verb is a word which describes the noun or pronoun. Or it is used to talk about actions. Examples: Go, Run, Eat, Fight, Read, and Write.   فعل اھو لفظ آهي جيڪو ھئڻ، ٿيڻ، ڪرڻ جي معناي ڏيکاري ان کي فعل چئبو آهي۔     There are four forms of verbs   Present Past Past participle Past participating Go Went Gone Going Learn Learnt Learnt Learning Add جمع کرنا Added Added Adding Allow    دينا اجازت Allowed Allowed Allowing Be, is, Am, are Was, were Been Being Arise              اڻهنا Arose Arisen Arising Ask              پوچهنا Asked Asked Asking Bear جنم دينا        ي