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What is Sentence and Types of Sentences in Grammar


1        The Sentence and The Phrase:

When we speak or write we use words. We use these words in a groups.


1)  Honesty is the best policy

2)  On the table

The first example makes complete sense is called sentence and the second example makes sentence but the sense is incomplete is called phrase.

Thus a group of words which makes complete sense is called a sentence.  And a group of words which makes sense but not a complete sense is called a phrase.


2-) The Kinds of Sentences: There are five types of sentences they are given below.

·      Assertive Sentences : پڪ سان چوڻ وارو يا يقين سان

·      Sentences of this kind make statements or assertions.


1)  Islamabad is the capital of Pakistan. ( Affirmative  يقيني)

2)  Death is not the end of life. ( Negative انڪاري يا ناڪاري)

3)  She did go to school. ( Emphatic تاڪيد ڀريو)

If statement is positive (as in the first example) it is called an affirmative sentence يقيني  But if a statement is not positive (as in the second example ) it is called Negative sentenceانڪاري . And if a statement is forceful (as in the third example) it is called an Emphatic Sentence تاڪيد ڀريو .


·      Interrogative Sentences:  سوالي  Sentences of this kind is used for ask questions.


1)  Did you post that letter yesterday?

2)  How old are you ?


·      Imperative Sentences :  ضروري لازمي

·      Sentences of this kind express commands حڪم or requests درخواست .


1(1)  Bring me a cup of tea. (Command).

2(2) Lend me your camera please. (Request).

An Imperative sentences may also express some advices or make prohibitions.


1(1)  Respect your elders.  (Advice).

2(2)  Do not tell a lie.


·      Exclamatory Sentences:پر شور Sentences of this kind express strong feelings or emotions.

Examples :

1(1) How foolish I have been!

2(2) Hurrah ! We have won the match .


·      Optative Sentence : خواهش ظاهر ڪندڙ

It express wishes.

(1    May you live long.

(2)         May you will rich.
