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Types of Noun

 Types of Noun

Proper Noun,  common Noun, collective Noun, material Noun and abstract noun.

(3) Noun

The Noun:

Noun is the name of person, place , animal or things.


Kinds of Noun.

i)                 The Proper Noun:

Proper noun is name of some particular person place or things. It always shows with the Capital letters either beginning of the sentences or middle of the sentences.

Examples: The God, The Holy Quran, The Muhammad Ali Jinnah, The Lahore .




ii) The Common Noun : اسم عام

It is the name of every common person, place , animal or things.


Man, City, Book, Men, Cities,  Books.

·      It begins with the capital letter when it is placed at the very beginning of a sentence or a line of a poetry.

·      Cows give milk.

·      Birds fly in the air.

·      Water, water, everywhere and not a drop to drink.



iii)The Collective Noun:   اسم جمع

It denotes a group of persons or things, spoken as a whole.

Examples: Army, Committee, Team .

·      If used as a “subject “it generally takes a singular verb.

·      The jury consists of twelve persons.

·      But when it denotes the individual members of the group, it takes a plural verb.

·      The jury were divided in their opinion.

·      It begins with a capital letter only when it is placed at the very beginning of the sentence.


iV) The Material Noun:  اسم جنس

It is name of matter or substance of which anything is made.

Examples: Gold, silver, iron, steel, cotton milk, rice.

·      It begins with a capital letter only when it placed at the very beginning of the sentence.





V)            The Abstract Noun:

It is the name of some quality, state or action considered as the part from the object to which it belongs.

Quality :-- honesty, truth, bravery,  kindness,  wisdom.

State :--  childhood , death,  sickness, slavery, health.

Action :-- laughter,  judgement,  theft, hatred.

·      It denotes something that has no separate existence and cannot, therefore,  be perceived by the sense.

·      It begins with a capital letter only when it placed at the very beginning of a sentence.
