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Parts of speech. Jest and pst preparation


Parts of Speech

Ø  The Noun: اسم

Noun is the name of person, place , animal or things.

Examples : Ahmed, Karachi, Table and Donkey

ڪنهن ب شئي، جڳا، ماڻهو يا جانور جي نالي کي اسم چئبو آهي۔

مثال: احمد، ڪراچي، ميز، ۽ گڏھ وغيره۔



Ø Pronouns :- ضمير

Pronoun is a word which is used instead ( اس کي جگھ پر) of noun.

اسم جي جاء تي جيڪو لفظ استعمال ٿئي ان کي ضمير چئبو آهي۔

Pronoun  is a word that refers to a noun.

Pronoun is a word which takes place of a noun.

Examples :- I ,we, you, he, she, it, they.

·      Ahmed is a good student. (Noun).

·      He is a good student.  (Pronoun).

·      Uzma eats mango. (Noun).

·      She eats mango.(Pronoun).



ضمير جي معناي آهي اندر وارو لڪيل (دل يا دماغ)

وياڪرڻ ۾ ضمير ان کي چئبو آهي جيڪو اسم جي جاء تي استعمال ٿئي۔

مثال: مان، مون، اسان، تو، توهان، هو، ھي، هوء، اهيو، اهي۔




Ø Verb:      فعل

Verb is a word which describes the noun or pronoun. Or it is used to talk about


Examples : Go, Run, Eat, Fight, Read, Write.


فعل اھو لفظ آهي جيڪو ھئڻ، ٿيڻ، ڪرڻ جي معناي ڏيکاري ان کي فعل چئبو آهي۔



Ø   Adverb:  ظرف

·     Adverb is a word which describe the verb.

·     Examples : He runs fastly.

Here fastly is adverb because it define the verb (run).

·     He reads cleverly.

Here cleverly is adverb which define the verb “read".




Ø   Adjective: صفت

Adjective is a word which describes the noun or pronoun. It is also called describing word.

صفت جي معناي آهي اسم جي تعريف يا ساراھ ڪرڻ۔

وياڪرڻ ۾ جيڪو اسم جي گڻ، اوگڻ، عيب، نيڪيون، انداز، وڏائي، ننڍائي ۽ ٻين شئين کي بيان ڪري ان کي صفت چئبو آهي۔

Examples :

i)                           He is clever boy.

ii)                       Nida is an intelligent girl.

iii)                   This is comfortable place.

iv)                   Sultan is a brave person.



Ø   Preposition: حرف جر

Preposition is a word which is used before noun or pronoun and show their relation with other words.

Examples : Above, at , before, across, against,  along, down, among,  from, around, in, into, near, behind, of, below, off, with, within, between.



Ø Conjunction: حرف جملو ، ڳنڍ، جوڙ

·                Conjunction is a word which connects or joins the words, phrase, sentences or clauses.

·                It is a word which defines two or more events.

·                They can join two verbs, two nouns, two adjectives, two phrases, or two independent clauses.

·                Examples: but, yet, because,  although, unless, while, where.

·                I want to meet her but she had gone.

·                I had been reached when he left.


Ø   Interjection حرف ندا :

·                It is a word which express some feelings or emotions.

·                Examples:

·                Hurrah! We won the game! ( Emotion of joy)

·                Alas! I failed the exam! ( Emotion of sorrow)

·                Wow! What a beautiful car! ( Emotion of surprise)

·                Oh! I forgot to bring my purse! ( Emotion of sorrow)

·                Ouch! It hurts! ( Emotion of pain)

·                Eww! It tastes so bad! ( Emotion of disliking)

·                Yahoo! I got a job! ( Emotions of happiness)

Huh! I don't care! (
