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Past Papers of JST MCqs


Definition of present tense.

  Present Tense (Action) Present Tense Action is used to talk about routine habits,   customs, law of God, Universal Truth,   law of Nature,   Historical Truth,   Quotation and Narrative of present time. Daily Routine: ·       We get up before sunrise. ·       She takes tea twice a day. ·       They play cricket on Sunday.   Customs: ·       The Muslims bury the dead. ·       We embrace one an other after saying the Eid Mubarak. ·       The brides leave her parent’s house with tears her eyes. ·       Indians brides wear saree.   Laws of God: ·       The sun rises in the east. ·       Water keeps its level. ·       God help those who help them selves.   Universal Truth: ·       Honesty is the best policy. ·       Two and two make four. ·       Wolves may lose their teeth but not their .   Law of Nature: ·       The duck swims in water. ·       The snake bites man. ·       Mothers love their children.   Historical Truth: ·  

Types of Noun

 Types of Noun Proper Noun,  common Noun, collective Noun, material Noun and abstract noun. (3) Noun The Noun: Noun is the name of person, place , animal or things.   Kinds of Noun. i)                  The Proper Noun: Proper noun is name of some particular person place or things. It always shows with the Capital letters either beginning of the sentences or middle of the sentences. Examples: The God, The Holy Quran, The Muhammad Ali Jinnah, The Lahore .       ii) The Common Noun : اسم عام It is the name of every common person, place , animal or things. Examples: Man, City, Book, Men, Cities,   Books. ·       It begins with the capital letter when it is placed at the very beginning of a sentence or a line of a poetry. ·       Cows give milk. ·       Birds fly in the air. ·       Water, water, everywhere and not a drop to drink.     iii)The Collective Noun:     اسم جمع It denotes a group of persons or things, spoken as a whole. Examples: Army

Parts of speech. Jest and pst preparation

  Parts of Speech Ø   The Noun : اسم Noun is the name of person, place , animal or things. Examples : Ahmed, Karachi, Table and Donkey ڪنهن ب شئي، جڳا، ماڻهو يا جانور جي نالي کي اسم چئبو آهي۔ مثال: احمد، ڪراچي، ميز، ۽ گڏھ وغيره۔     Ø Pronouns :- ضمير Pronoun is a word which is used instead ( اس کي جگھ پر ) of noun. اسم جي جاء تي جيڪو لفظ استعمال ٿئي ان کي ضمير چئبو آهي۔ Pronoun   is a word that refers to a noun. Pronoun is a word which takes place of a noun. Examples :- I ,we, you, he, she, it, they. ·       Ahmed is a good student. (Noun). ·       He is a good student.   (Pronoun). ·       Uzma eats mango. (Noun). ·       She eats mango.(Pronoun).     ضمير جي معناي آهي اندر وارو لڪيل (دل يا دماغ) وياڪرڻ ۾ ضمير ان کي چئبو آهي جيڪو اسم جي جاء تي استعمال ٿئي۔ مثال: مان، مون، اسان، تو، توهان، هو، ھي، هوء، اهيو، اهي۔       Ø Verb:        فعل Verb is a word which describes the noun or pronoun. Or it is used to talk about acti