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Pronoun and types of Pronouns with examples

 ● Pronouns :- 

Pronoun is a word which is used instead ( اس کي جگھ پر) of noun.
Pronoun  is a word that refers to a noun.
Pronoun is a word which takes place of a noun.
Examples :- I ,we, you, he, she, it, they.
Ahmed is a good student. (Noun).
He is a good student.  (Pronoun).
Uzma eats mango. (Noun).
She eats mango.(Pronoun).

Types of Pronouns
Personal Pronoun.
Possessive Pronoun.
Reflective Pronoun.
• Demonstrative Pronoun.
• Distributive Pronoun.
Indefinite Pronoun.
Intensive Pronoun.
Interrogative Pronoun.
Relative Pronoun.

Reciprocal Pronoun.

● Personal Pronoun:- 
         personal Pronouns are pronouns that that refers to a specific person or things in a sentence.
It is divided into two groups nominative and objective.

● Nominative personal pronoun act as a subject of a sentence (I, we, you,  he, she, it, they).
Examples: I  go to school. We are brothers.

● Objective personal pronoun 
It acts as a object of a sentence. (Me, us, you, him, her, it, them).
1) Ahmed and Nawaz came out with me.
2) You are all responsible for them .

● Possessive Pronoun:- 
       Possessive pronouns are pronouns that show the ownership or something belongs to someone else .
(my/mine, your,/yours, his, her/hers, it’s,  our/ours , their/theirs)

● Reflective Pronoun :-
     It is a pronoun which reflects to the subject and used at the last of the sentences.  For making reflective Pronoun add "self & selves" to change them reflective pronoun .
1) Myself,  ourselves,  yourself,  yourselves,  himself, herself,  itself,  themselves. 

Demonstrative Pronoun 
            It is used to point out the object to which it refers. 
1) This is yours.
2) These are very useful.
There are only four Demonstrative pronouns 
(i) This   (ii) That     (iii) These     (iv) Those.

● Distributive Pronoun :
         It is used for distribution of any thing.
It denotes the numbers.
Examples : Each, Either, Neither, All
(i) Each of us completed the work.
(ii) Neither he will go to market nor she.

•      Interrogative Pronoun:

·      It is used for to ask questions.

·      There are only four interrogative pronouns.

·      Who, whose, which and what.


Ø Who :

Ø Who is used for only persons.


·      Who runs there?

·      Who is knocking at the door?

·      Whose is this book?

·      Whom did you see?

·      Whom did you know?



Ø Which :

Ø Which is used for both persons as well as things.

·      Which is your friend?

·      Which of you has done this?

·      Which of these books is your?

·      Which one will participate?

·      Which is your pen?

Agha Haseebullah Khan 

