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Factors Affecting Literacy rate part 1 by Agha Haseebullah Khan part 1

  Introduction:

 Literacy is one of the important factors which play a role in the development of education. Literacy is the ability to read and write, not only in any particular language but in any language.

Discussion is one of the most widely usable and valuable method in promoting cognitive skills or simply called to improving the literacy. Now, question is raised that What is role of discussion in literacy? Discussion is the basic and starting factor to learnt the language and to know about its uses. .Every individual life begins with oral communication. In the oral communication they also have need to first they learn the phonics, phonemic awareness after that they can start the communications as same for the

literacy, they have a need to learn about the basic factors as like phonics, phonemic awareness, vocabulary, fluency and comprehension. But here we discuss about some different definitions given by different authors.

 Literacy rate has always been at the centre of the educational enterprise (purposeful) Berlin 1987. By the 1830s, approaches to reading were influenced by Johann Hein rich.

 Nicholas Carr : In 2010, He argues that phones and computers and rewiring neural structures in ways that influence attention, reading, creative and critical thinking competencies. He said the internet is changing the way we think.

Literacy requires active and independent engagement with print and including both sending and receiving orthographic messages “(Harris & Hodges 1995 as cited in beukelman & Miranda, 2005, p. 351.”

 Many children who use argumentative or alternative communication (AAC) systems are at risk for not developing functional literacy skills (Kelford, Smith, Thurston, Light, Parnes, & O’Keefe, 1989; Koppenhaver & Yoder, 1990; McNaughton & Tawney unpublished manuscript, as cited in Light in light & McNaughton, 1993).

Background of Problem:

 There is a illiteracy in Garhi Yaseen. In Garhi Yaseen there are a lot of tribe which don't want to influence the education because if they educate the people, it will be negative sign for them, so thats the reason by which people  have a lack of knowledge, reading, writing and manners. There are also a literate peoples in Garhi Yaseen but in less quantity.

Problem Statement:

 Here we are going to find out about the factors which affect the literacy of Garhi Yasin & also to know about the role of education in our village and will know about the abilities of the students. It will help us to know about the school management and system of schools of Garhi Yaseen for this purpose. I am doing a research and will collect the data from schools which will help me to know about the factors affecting the literacy.

Research Questions:

 How schools play their role in improving the literacy in

taluka Garhi Yasin?

 Which methods do teachers apply in the classroom?

Objectives of the Research :

 To understand the factors affecting literacy rate.

 To know about the role of schools in improving the literacy.

 To know about the role of teachers in education in Garhi


 To understand the internal and external Factors affecting


 To understand whether teachers are enable to use discussion

method or not.

 To find out the abilities of teachers and their skills.

 To find the way of discussion method.

 To find out the difficulties of discussion.

 To analyse the current situation and discussion.

 To understand the role of private school teachers and

Government school teachers.

 To understand whether teachers are able to teach in a effective


To understand the challenges of students and teachers which

they are facing.

Purpose: This article clarifies that how Government and Private schools play role since last 2 decades or last twenty years in our village. We will also find the role of students and teachers. We will collect the data about that how many students are interested and involved in learning. We will find that how much teachers play role with honestly. It will help us to know about the students and teachers abilities, strengths and weaknesses. We have seen that since last twenty years or two decades the student’s quantity of Government school which pass out the school have no ability to read and write correctly as compare to private schools. We have noticed that the students of private school have more ability to read and write (literacy).

There are a lot of teachers in the Garhi Yaseen which teach the students as in government school or private in the Garhi Yasin. It will help us know about the development of education in Garhi Yasin, we will know about the students abilities and disabilities in order to be influential with them and the second largest town of the district Shikarpur and the total time of the schools play role in education

Finding : The research help us to collect new data and provide us new evidence to find out that how schools play a role in our society and how much they give us advantages. We will also focus on schools leadership, their abilities theirs advantages and their effectiveness. We will diagnosis to find out the factors which affect the literacy of Garhi Yasin. The factors will external and internal of school. The internal factor of school is; curriculum, syllabus, rules, regulations, methods, management, materials, classrooms, library, laboratory, and technology because these all are factors internal factors which are effective for the student’s literacy. These factors help them to provide easy way of teaching and learning. These factors manage them to work collaboratively after all these factors we will also focus on teachers work that how much they work honestly and collaboratively and to know about their teaching ways.

Factors Affecting literacy:

There are two types of factors which affect the literacy. The

first one is external and second one is internal. Here we are discussing about the both, they are given below.

External Factors affecting literacy or

Problems :

 There are many problems which the today peoples are facing the problems with related to education. We are here trying to find out these problems and after finding the Problems we will also find the solutions of these problems.

Poverty :

 The first one is poverty by which the peoples don’t get the admission in schools, because they’re facing the problems of poverty as like; hunger, health, lack of knowledge and many others. The thought of peoples about education is that why they not spend their money and time on any business instead of education.

Lack of Jobs

 The second One is lack of jobs or low quality of Job. For the lack of jobs 70 to 80 % peoples don’t get interest in education. This problem is also being faced by poor peoples because they don’t have an extra budget to spend on education and they are worried about their future.

Lack of Awareness:

 The third problem is Lack of awareness to students about importance of education. It is one of the main factors in which students and their parents have lack of awareness. Parents do not try to understand the value and role of education by which they get interest. Parents don’t involve in education role. The one of major factors in lack of awareness is that if any parent gets the admission their children than they have lack of awareness about it. They even do not to know about their children that do their children go to school or not, do their children reach to school at a time or not, attend the class or not.

Lack of Parents Role :

 The fourth problem is lack of parent’s role in education. They do not do their duties. They don’t try to know about their children, do they learn or not, do they have interest or not , do they reach school at a time or not, is it good or not, is the education system good or not, do the have teachers of schools trainee or not, if the parents interact and to touch with school management, then the system will be affected. This is one of the main factors which affect the literacy. So it is the reason to arise these problems by which the factors arise.

The fifth problem is Wadera Nizaam:

 The Wadera Nizaam is one of the major and effective roles

which affect the literacy rate. They are the person which is

the main cause of illiteracy. Every politician tries to influence

their power and control over the city. They give the jobs to

their voters and civilians but mainly their relatives and their

same castes peoples. They use the power in negative way.

They give the teaching jobs on deal, they deal with them that

teachers will do by politicians orders not their choice. The

politicians do not select by their abilities, they select them by

their own choice.

 Reference :

 Teachers, HSS Garhi Yasin, District Shikarpur, Sindh


 The one of the current example is our university, The Vice

Chancellor of Shaikh Ayaz University Shikarpur resigned

due to Political interference by local MPA Imtiaz Shaikh.

 Reference

Shikarpur News Reporters, Facebook video.

 Internal Factors:

 Teachers have Lack of knowledge about subject matter


 Lack of Management system.

 Irresponsible for their duties.

 Corruption.

 Lack of Knowledge:

 Teachers have the lack of about subject matter knowledge as

we above discussed about the selection of teachers by

politicians so this is the reason that the teachers don’t have

subject matter knowledge and this is a factor which affect the


Management Problems.

 The lack of management system in education system is

one of the major systems which affect the whole school. There

are some factors given; Planning Organizing directing and

controlling. The Material Problem, Institutional Problems,

Classroom Problems, Students Problems, Health Problems,

Electricity Problems, Department Problems, Technology

Problems, Laboratory Problems, Library Problems.

 Irresponsible For Their Duties:

 There are large quantities of teachers which are

irresponsible for their duties and not take the

