Khalid Hussaini Book The Kite Runner The Kite Runner Acknowledgement I am to the following colleagues for their advice, assistance or support. Doctor Alfred learner, Dory Vegas Robin hack doctor told ray doctor robertal and doctor Sunday, June thanks also to lynette Parker Of East saint Jose community law centre for her advice about adaptation procedures and to Mr. Daoud Wahab For sharing his experiences in Uganda stand with me. I am grateful to my dear Tamim. IM sorry for his guidance and support. And took the king at the sun. Francico writers workshop for their feedback and encouragement. I want to thank my father, my oldest friend and inspiration. For all that is noble in baba. My mother, who prayed for me, entered Nazar at every stage of the books. Writing my aunt for buying me books when I was young. Thanks, go out to Ali. Sunday Dowd walid, Raya shala Zahra rob, and Kadir for reading my stories I want. Thank doctor and mrs kayumi my other parents fir...
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