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Showing posts from June, 2021

All Rules for Making Singular to Plurals

 All Singular plural grammar  List of Singular and plural grammar  Rules for making plural in grammar  All singular plural with meaning in Sindhi Singular Plural Arm Arms Bat Bats Cap Caps Dog Dogs Friend Friends Girl Girls King Kings Ticket Tickets Poet Poets       (a)        By adding “es" to the Singular if it ends in “s,"   “ch," “sh" or “x" Singular Meaning Plural Ass گڏه Asses Bench ججن جي جماعت Benches Box صندوق,    دٻو Boxes Brush ٻهاري ڏيڻ Brushes Class جماعت، درجو، رتبو Classes Dish کاڌو ، رڪيبي Dishes